Fonio is an annual grass that is mostly planted for its grain, which is used to produce porridge. Every year, the Fonio exporter in India exports tonnes of Fonio. The increasing popularity of Fonio has prompted India to export more Fonio. Fonio’s leaves are blade-like, linear, and tapering. The Indian Fonio exporter exports Fonio of superior quality to countries throughout the globe. The export of Fonio from India covers the export of Fonio variants.


Due to its high nutritional value, demand for Fonio has increased on the international market. This is an excellent opportunity for the Indian Fonio exporter to build his business and access the global market. As a result of an increase in Fonio imports from India, local vendors and farmers who plant Fonio are also generating substantial profits.


Product Name Fonio
Origin Africa
Family Poaceae
Binomial name Digitaria exilis


Nutrients Calories 170 Carbohydrate - 39g Fiber - 1g
Minerals Calcium, Iron, Phosphorous
Protein 2 g
Fats 0.5 g




  • After cooking, Fonio can be enjoyed as porridge or couscous. Occasionally, the grain is also crushed and combined with other cereals.
  • Fonio grain is occasionally used to produce beer, while the straw is sometimes used as animal feed.
  • According to reports, Fonio contains a high quantity of iron, which helps prevent anaemia. Additionally, it includes folic acid and other amino acids that are advantageous during pregnancy.
  • Fonio includes several necessary amino acids, particularly cysteine and methionine, which aid in liver and body detoxification.



Geekfactory is one of India’s leading importers of Fonio. We at Geekfactory Foods are familiar with the challenges that can arise during the export of Fonio, so we are here to assist! Geekfactory has significant expertise in the food export market. Our experts are qualified to assist you throughout the entirety of the export procedure and to handle any potential complications. If you are interested in Fonio export from India, contact Geekfactory immediately!