The climate and soil conditions of India are conducive to the cultivation of several fruits, vegetables, pulses, cereals, etc. Every year, Soybean exporters in India ship tonnes of Soybean overseas. India’s soy bean exports are on the rise due to the bean’s rising popularity around the globe. Indian Soya bean exporter sends around 3.5 million tonnes of Soybean to Vietnam, Japan, Thailand, Indonesia, the United Arab Emirates, and Greece.
Nutrients | Calories - 446g/100 grams Carbohydrates - 30g Fiber - 9g |
Minerals | Folate, Copper, Manganese, Phosphorus, Thiamine |
Vitamins | Vitamin K1 |
Protein | 36 g |
Fat | 20 g |
Imports of soy beans from India comprise numerous types, including Ahilya-1, Alankar, Ahilya-3, and others. Many of these soybean types are exported from India to numerous nations across the world. Indian Soybean exports include the following cultivars.
Ahilya-1, also known as NRC 2, is a soybean variety with resistance to Rhizoctonia, pod blight, green mosaic virus, and bacterial blight, as well as tolerance to Cercospora leaf spot and Anthracnose. This type of soybean matures between days 103 and 106 following transplantation. This cultivar of soybean yields an average of 25-30 q/ha.
Soybean variety Ahilya-3 is resistant to bacterial blight, green mosaic virus, bacterial pustules, phyllody, soybean mosaic, Myrothecium, and Cercospora leaf spots. It is resistant to pests such as stem fly, girdle beetle, green and grey semi-looper, etc. This Ahilya-3 cultivar matures between 90 and 99 days after transplanting.
This soybean cultivar matures in around 115-120 days after transplanting. This kind of soybean produces an average yield of 20 to 25 q/ha. This Alankar variety of soybeans is resistant to bacterial pustules and resistant to yellow mosaic.
This Soybean cultivar matures between 85 and 90 days after transplantation. The ADT-1 soybean cultivar is also noted for its resistance to leaf miner and leaf Webber.
DURGA (JS 72-280)
After transplantation, the Durga variety of soybean matures between 102 and 105 days. The average yield of this type of Indian-exported soybeans ranges between 20 and 22 q/ha. Additionally, this variety is resistant to bacterial pustules.
After 102-105 days from transplanting, the Durga variety of soybean matures. This type of soybeans supplied from India by a large number of exporters has an average yield of 20-22 q/ha. Also tolerant to bacterial pustules is this type.
Hara Soy soybeans are resistant to bacterial pustules, brown spot, bacterial blight, frog-eye leaf mark, and pod blight. This variety is reportedly the first soybean cultivar ever developed for culinary use. This variety’s typical yield is between 15 and 20 q/ha.
Indira Soy 9 is a rust-resistant type of soybean. Additionally, it has modest resistance to stem tunnelling, girdle beetle, and leaf folder. According to reports, this cultivar does well in low to moderate plant densities.
JS 2
The maturation period for JS 2 is approximately 90-95 days following planting. The average yield for this Soybean variety is between 18 and 20 q/ha. This strain is also resistant to a bacterial pustule and tolerant of Macrophomina, according to reports.
Geekfactory Foods is one of India’s biggest importers of soybeans. In response to the growing demand for soybeans, Indian exporters have boosted the quantity of soybeans produced and shipped from India. Additionally, the export of soy beans has been a lucrative market for many exporters. If you are interested in Soybean export, Geekfectory is the finest choice!